Year 3&4

School Council Election Results

Here is our school council 2018-19

Thank you to everyone who nominated themselves to be on the School Council this year. As always the results were very close and when they were announced in Friday’s celebration assembly, the response to those who had been successful was very supportive. 

Every class in Key Stage 1 and 2 has one School Council member. They will work hard to ensure that all your ideas are listened to and will help to make the school an even better place to be.



Yr 3/4 STEM Parent Workshop

In Yr3/4, we invited the parents to join us with a STEM workshop, the challenge being to build a 3D structure out of a maximum of 40 cocktail sticks and 20 midget gems, to hold the weight of a dictionary. During the session, we also learnt some top tips about stable and strong 3D shapes like tetrahedrons.

What fun we had and look at all these amazing structures!

Amended 2018-19 Term Dates/Training Days

Click here to download the updated 2018-2019 Term Dates Letter

The change is pupils will now return to school on Monday 29th April, and the training day will now be on Monday 22nd July 2019.  You can also find the term dates for 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and the provisional term dates for 2019-2020* on our terms dates page

*Please note that the 2019-2020 term dates are the recommended term dates provided by City of York Council for schools in the City of York area; as usual, all schools will also be closed to pupils for a further 5 School Training/Professional Development Days in 2019-2020 and we will inform parents and carers of these training dates next year.

Learning about Holi in 3/4

Holi was celebrated in Year 3/4.

We learnt about how Hindus celebrate this festival by throwing powder paint at their friends.  We threw it onto paper though!  We examined how they remember good triumphing over bad, the relevance of the bonfire and the celebration of Spring. Super active learning – well done Year 3/4!


Fun – and Science!

There is so much science to investigate with snow… friction, temperature, changing states, weather and precipitation are just a few things to think and learn about.  Of course, it is also great fun!