Friends of Fishergate

Parent Helpers Needed For Halloween Disco

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We need at least 12 parent/carer helpers to run each Key Stage disco next Friday. Main jobs include:

  • Door – taking entry money on arrival and manning door through event
  • Refreshments – selling snacks and refilling juice jugs
  • Face Painting
  • General ‘eyes’ to ensure safe and enjoyable fun is had by all

Setup starts at 5pm in the lower school hall and help to clear down at the end of the evening would be greatly appreciated!

If you are attending with your child and can also help out in any of these roles please email us ASAP on to confirm. We rely on helpers for these events to go ahead!Friends of Fishergate

Click here for more information about the Halloween Disco and the Pumpkin Parade.

FoF – Halloween Disco!

The Halloween Disco is planned for Friday 18th October! £1 entry, pocket money friendly snacks and Face Painting. Dressing up is always welcome but not essential – create your own style!

We are afraid we cannot allow entry of children from other schools, but siblings are welcome. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Our annual Pumpkin Parade will also take place on the same day – enter a decorated or carved pumpkin! £1 to enter. Friends will be waiting to collect your entries near the bike shed from 8.30am. These will be illuminated in the playground during the evening, to view between the KS1 & KS2 discos. Please mark your pumpkin with your child’s name and year group. We can’t wait to
see the spooky and fun creations! Certificates will be awarded to each winner in EY, KS1 & KS2.


The return of the FoF Cake Stalls!

Please support these sales as all funds go to the the year groups hosting, to spend in their class. Go get yourself a Friday treat!
  • Come and buy a treat!
  • In the downstairs hall straight after school
  • Each year group takes a turn to bring in cakes (bought or home-made)
  • Friends of Fishergate helpers sell the wares
  • Contributions don’t have to be homemade but please remember that we are a nut-free school!

Please send your generous and lovely baked goods into school with your child on the day. Without your amazing baking skills, tasty donations and an eagerness to sell and eat them, this just otherwise would not be happening. So a big YAY to all of you! Thank you for all your efforts.

FoF Summer Fair!

All Welcome! Fishergate Primary School Summer Fair, Saturday 6th July, 12-3pm. Raffles - Games - BBQ and Food - Ice Cream - Tombolas - Bar - Music & Entertainment - and more


The Fishergate School Summer Fair will take place on Saturday July 6th 12-3pm.

There will be LOTS of refreshments, including BBQ, Licensed Bar, Tea & Cake and Ice Cream Van! There will be LOTS of games ad tombolas! There will be LOTS of AMAZING musical entertainment throughout the afternoon.

Always a grand afternoon out with the family!! Come along and join us!

FoF – Summer Fair Donations

Friends of Fishergate are looking for donations to fulfil the stalls for the school Summer Fair on July 6th. Details of what we are looking for are listed below. All donations will be most gratefully received. Donations can be dropped into the school hall on Thursday 4th July from 8.30am.

This year we are looking donations along the following lines:

Chocolate Tombola 

  • Chocolate items, gifts and treats
  • Boxes of chocolates, bars, multi-packs, choc biscuits.

Bottle Tombola

  • Wines, beer, cider, sparkling wines, spirits, posh cordials, mixers, liqueurs, sherry, port, tonics, fizzy pop, sparkling water, soft drinks.
  • Bottles must be UNOPENED to be accepted.
  • Please note any children that win a bottle of alcohol must have their adult collect it.

General Tombola

  • We are looking for NEW or unwanted new giftable items
  • Perfume, toiletries, items for the home & garden.
  • Gadgets, games, toys, puzzles,
  • Clothing, accessories and more…

Raffle Prizes

  • Larger value items
  • Vouchers
  • Hamper food items – non perishable food and drink items of all kinds – kindly welcomed.

Filled Jam Jars. (Be creative as you like here)

  • Please collect your clean glass ‘jam jars’ of any size and fill them with whatever goodies you can fit inside!
  • Think mini stationary, crafting, sewing, small toys, puzzles, collectors cards (lego, Pokémon, football etc) stickers, sweets, loose change (£1 or more), hair accessories, small figures, badges, fun jewellery, temporary tattoos

Teddy Tombola

  • Soft Toys, Teddies, Plushies & Characters
  • A great way to recycle and de-clutter unwanted and outgrown soft toys
  • Please ensure that all items are clean, preferably washed and in good usable (and lovable) condition.

Books and DVDs

  • Used and unwanted family friendly books and DVDs 

Thank you in advance for all your generosity and support. Every little bit counts to make our Fishergate Summer Fair the success that it is. Be a part of it in any way you can!Friends of Fishergate

FoF News

Help to Access Funding

Friends are looking for a parent or two with some experience in applying for grants and funding. Is this something you have done before for another organisation or at work? If you are able to help please let us know. We are looking to extend our fundraising capabilities to support our school with future projects and could do with your help.

WANTED! Parents & Carers

At the end of the school year, we will be saying a sad goodbye and a HUGE thank you to a substantial number of Year 6 parents who have played a significant part in FoF fundraising activities over the last few years. This will leave a huge gap, but also bring great opportunities for others to get involved. There are many ways to get involved that can fit with your own commitments so please consider getting in touch to find out more. Without you Friends of Fishergate can’t operate.

Employer Raffle Prizes

Do you work for an employer that likes to donate to the local community? We are looking for raffle prizes towards the Summer Fair in July. Please consider asking at work – we will be happy to give them a big shout out on SM and at the Fair itself for their generosity. Contact Ali & Friends directly using friendsoffishergateschool@gmail.comFriends of Fishergate

FoF Update

Table Top Sale

The weather stayed dry last Saturday for the playground sale and Friends were able to raise an amazing £180 for the school. Thank you to everyone who came down to support us and to the families that booked tables. The Hot sausage and cheese rolls were an instant hit!

Summer Fair 6th July

Please save this date for your diaries! This is the highlight of the Friends fundraising and a lovely summer social event! Friends will be asking for tombola and raffle prizes donations so more details will be sent out soon. Also please remember to collect your jam-jars – for one of our most popular stalls!Friends of Fishergate

A reminder about easyfundraising from FoF

We support Fishergate Primary School Friends – York on #easyfundraising for free every time we shop online, and you can too!
Sign up today and when you shop online with over 8,000 brands they will donate to them for free! All the big names like John Lewis & Partners, Expedia, Argos and Just Eat are ready to donate.
Sign up here:
Every donation will make a difference!Friends of Fishergate