Sports Mark Success

We are delighted to have gained two awards for the provision of PE and Sport at Fishergate School. Firstly, we have been awarded the Sainsbury’s Silver Games Mark.

sainsburys silver markTo achieve SILVER LEVEL, your school must meet all of the prerequisites as well as the following:

provide all students with two hours of physical education and school sport per week (made up of curricular and extra-curricular activity)

-engage at least 35% of students in extracurricular sporting activity every week

-use the Sainsbury’s School Games formats to provide the opportunity for both boys and girls to take part in the appropriate level of competition.

use the Sainsburys School Games formats to provide the opportunity through inter-school competition for both boys and girls to take part in ‘B’ standard competition.

regularly feature match reports and competition results on the school website and in the local press;

engage at least 10% of students in leading, managing and officiating Sainsbury’s School Games activity;

engage students in the planning and development of Sainsbury’s School Games activity;

utilise sports coaches to support school sport;

have active links with at least three local sports clubs.

YST Silver MarkThe school also achieved the Youth Sports Trust award through the assessment of the school’s provision and outcomes in physical education and school sport.