KS2 Sports Day

DSC00645  Last Thursday, 3rd July, saw this DSC00675year’s Key Stage 2 Sports Day take place, under clear blue skies on the school field. The event consisted of a series of track and field events, with children competing to earn points for their house team. Year 3/4 children began on the track, taking part in the sprint race, beanbag race and team relays, whilst Year 5/6 started on the field to compete in the javelin, discus, speed bounce and long jumps events. At the halfway stage, each phase changed over to complete the rest of their events.

DSC00768The day was keenly contested, with children havingDSC00671 been differentiated into ability races. When the results were tallied up, three of the team were extremely close, with only the winners, Superstar Simmonds, clearly emerging from the pack. The results of the day were as follows

1. Superstar Simmonds

2. Magic Murrays

3. Ennis Elites

4. Brilliant Beckhams

Thank you to everyone who was able to help out on the day, it really helped to make the day a great event, rounded off by some fantastic parent races!!

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