E-safety Advice for Families – Anime

What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Anime

In this modern age, we’re privileged to be able to experience art from other cultures at the press of a button. A popular example of this is the Japanese animation style known as anime – a creative, unique style that you might recognise from classic 90s animations such as Ghost in the Shell. With recent releases like Cyberpunk: Edgerunners dominating online discussion for months, anime is bigger now than ever.

Although anime appeals to all generations in the West, its largest demographic by far is that of children and young people. However, as our #WakeUpWednesday guide explores, this doesn’t mean that all anime is age-appropriate, and parents and carers are heartily encouraged to make themselves aware of the kind of content their children could be exposed to.

Read on to access your free guide…National Online Safety

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This guide is from National Online Safety.