Carecent Charity Day

Carecent charity day: Friday 26th February     Carecent        

Carecent charity day is back! After half term we will be asking you to bring in your donations of tinned food for this amazing local charity. This year the charity desperately needs tinned beans, tinned tomatoes, tinned meat, tinned spaghetti and sugar. They also need shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

This year we are asking that pupils come dressed up as something beginning with the letter C. So you may be a cat for the day or a clown or come as something cool- it’s up to you! Prizes to be won for the most original costumes.

This charity provides breakfasts and toiletries for homeless people and disadvantaged people in York and relies on donations in order to survive. We have been amazed in the past at your generosity towards this charity and we hope that you feel able to support this charity again this year.

Thank you!

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