News from Friends of Fishergate

Hi Everyone,

I hope you have all had some good times over the half-term week. Here are a couple of dates for your diary:

Wednesday 1st March: Friends Meeting, 8pm, Sea Horse Hotel.

(Address: 4 Fawcett St, York YO10 4AH)

Please feel free to come along if you have anything you would like to contribute- ideas for future events at Fishergate, or if you have anything you would like to raise regarding events, or how Friends funds are spent, or if you would like to get involved with supporting school fundraising, in whatever ways you can. It is great to have so many of you supporting school, but of course there are always other ways we can add to this. Please feel free to email if you have something to contribute, but can´t get out to meetings.

Bingo Night: Friday 10th March.

One way you can help is by coming along to events. We are looking forward to another great night of family fun, so save the date and look out for further information coming soon. Let us know if you would be willing to act as caller on the night, or help on the door, with refreshments, or with set-up and clear-up. Hope lots of you can make it.

Many thanks for your continued support, and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.Hester, Friends of Fishergate