Steps of Support

Step 1

  • Children will be given extra  support in the classroom or specialised materials/equipment to help them in learning.  They may also be taken out of the classroom to work individually or in a small group with a teaching assistant. This teaching is tailored to the children’s needs and goes in small steps as they progress.

Step 2

  • Children will be supported by the SEND teaching assistants either in or out of the classroom working on small steps. You will meet with the class teachers and the Inclusion leader to discuss short-term outcomes and use the local authority Banding documents to determine which level of support your child fits within.

Step 3

  • If even with extra help, a child is still having difficulties, the class teacher and Inclusion leader will, with your permission, ask for specialist help from outside the school.  Your child may be seen by an Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support Teacher, Speech and Language Therapist, CAMHS or another specialist.  If necessary, on-going help and advice from the support agency will then form part of a My Support Plan.

Step 4

  • A small number of children may need more support than this and the Educational Psychologist may advise us to refer him/her for Statutory Assessment. The Local Authority will then carry out a detailed assessment in order to see if an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) is necessary. An EHCP is a legal document which sets out the child’s needs and the special help that he/she should have. This plan is a multi-agency approach to supporting your child to make progress. This is only necessary where there is a level of need that goes beyond what is ordinarily provided by the school and the standard support agencies.
I have two children who have received varying degrees of additional support (dependent on their need at the time) for different reasons.  As a parent I’ve always felt supported by the school and I love that I can either speak directly to my children’s class teachers or email Lisa if I ever have any concerns as I know everyone communicates really well.  Sara